VMware Image: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B1XIhstGkYHkdGItWkJPZzJFeGc?usp=sharing
Or https://mega.nz/#F!oJBXAaIK!WVh-Q-hFtD8YEODXVI4-Ag
VMware Workstation : https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/downloads
Vindictus Client: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BzlGRR8NkCQzNGpYWmlPbTQzYm8
Game Server Info:
Windows 2008 (without windows password) MSSQL Server Express 2008 - (ID: sa Password: Pass1234) SQL Server Management Studio 2008 XAMPP for Web Server (C:\xampp) HeroesOpTool (ID: root Password: root) Server Path: C:\Server heroesContents.db3 Path: C:\Server\zh-tw-x-gm\Bin IP Address:
UI FIx: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B0_f5AMvriciR2NEVVlvSEROQk0
extract to main folder of vindictus
delete 9FB527B373DCBD159552ADD1710487A724237AF9.hfs after install
Hagie Fix: put this file on C:\server\zh-tw-x-gm\bin\
Checkout how to mod skill here: http://vindictus-pri.blogspot.com/2016/10/vindictus-skill-change-work-on-any.html
How to Play Delia in private serveR: http://vindictus-pri.blogspot.com/2016/10/how-to-get-delia-on-vindictus-private.html
Replace fiona to delia in client.dll,engine.dll,server.dll
Extract all bastardsword from hfs
rename it to longsword_xxxxxxx
copy to data/models/weapon/longsword
in DB(both server and client)
Update SkillInfo
set ClassRestriction=1111 where ClassRestriction=2(set all skill of fiona to 1111)
set ClassRestriction=2 where ClassRestriction=1024 ( set all skill of delia to fiona)
Edit FaceInfo.txt replace all code of fiona to delia to get face work
or just do stuff with mysql to change fiona face to delia
Now u can use almost all skill of delia. if u want a skill get to work, edit delia_motion file, u can add code, replace, or just copy from other class skill to make it work like original server